Practical solutions for learning Organic Chemistry

Is learning Organic Chemistry Difficult? Yes.

is learning organic impossible? No but you have to work hard.

be organized, study consistantly, practice a lot.

why is this subject so challenging?

It’s very different to General Chemistry, it’s more conceptual than mathematical, it requires better critical thinking skills, and it comes at a difficult time in the sophomore year. Issues over the two terms are traced back to the first semester where the foundational material is introduced and developed. The images below show how most of the key material tracks back to five first semester sections. Not knowing the basics makes it very difficult to do well.

The typical topics over 2 semesters

How they are related to Organic 1


  • Establish the basics early on in Organic 1 - See Preparation & Organic 1 pages

  • Revisit the basics each time a new concept or reaction is introduced

  • Remind students that only so many things can happen in a chemical system

  • Offer students alternative ways of considering material - video, audio, animations

We offer a variety of engaging resources, ranging from text-based explanations to video shorts and longer-form videos, that will make studying Organic Chemistry from the ground up more manageable and interesting. An example of content shown below.